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2 Peter 3

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VerseKJV 1769 TextKJV YHWH TextRV 1602 TextAncient Text
1This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:Carísimos, yo os escribo ahora esta segunda carta, por la cual despierto con exhortación vuestro limpio entendimiento;Ταύτην ἤδη ἀγαπητοί δευτέραν ὑμῖν γράφω ἐπιστολήν ἐν αἷς διεγείρω ὑμῶν ἐν ὑπομνήσει τὴν εἰλικρινῆ διάνοιαν
2That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:para que tengáis memoria de las palabras que antes han sido dichas por los santos profetas, y de nuestro mandamiento, que somos apóstoles del Señor y Salvador;μνησθῆναι τῶν προειρημένων ῥημάτων ὑπὸ τῶν ἁγίων προφητῶν καὶ τῆς τῶν ἀποστόλων ἡμῶν ἐντολῆς τοῦ κυρίου καὶ σωτῆρος
3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,sabiendo primero esto, que en los postrimeros días vendrán burladores, andando según sus propias concupiscenciasτοῦτο πρῶτον γινώσκοντες ὅτι ἐλεύσονται ἐπ' ἐσχάτου τῶν ἡμερῶν ἐμπαῖκται κατὰ τὰς ἰδίας αὐτῶν ἐπιθυμίας πορευόμενοι
4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as from the beginning of the creation.y diciendo: ¿Dónde está la Promesa de su advenimiento? Porque desde el día en que los padres durmieron, todas las cosas permanecen así como desde el principio de la creación.καὶ λέγοντες Ποῦ ἐστιν ἡ ἐπαγγελία τῆς παρουσίας αὐτοῦ ἀφ' ἡς γὰρ οἱ πατέρες ἐκοιμήθησαν πάντα οὕτως διαμένει ἀπ' ἀρχῆς κτίσεως
5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of Elohim the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:Cierto, ellos ignoran voluntariamente, que los cielos fueron creados en el tiempo antiguo y la tierra que por agua y en agua está asentada, por la palabra de Dios;λανθάνει γὰρ αὐτοὺς τοῦτο θέλοντας ὅτι οὐρανοὶ ἦσαν ἔκπαλαι καὶ γῆ ἐξ ὕδατος καὶ δι' ὕδατος συνεστῶσα τῷ τοῦ θεοῦ λόγῳ
6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:por lo cual el mundo de entonces pereció anegado por agua;δι' ὧν ὁ τότε κόσμος ὕδατι κατακλυσθεὶς ἀπώλετο·
7But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.pero los cielos que son ahora, y la tierra, son conservados por la misma Palabra, guardados para el fuego en el día del juicio, y de la perdición de los hombres impíos.οἱ δὲ νῦν οὐρανοὶ καὶ ἡ γῆ αὐτοῦ λόγῳ τεθησαυρισμένοι εἰσὶν πυρί τηρούμενοι εἰς ἡμέραν κρίσεως καὶ ἀπωλείας τῶν ἀσεβῶν ἀνθρώπων
8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.Mas, oh amados, no ignoréis una cosa: y es que un día delante del Señor es como mil años y mil años son como un día.Ἓν δὲ τοῦτο μὴ λανθανέτω ὑμᾶς ἀγαπητοί ὅτι μία ἡμέρα παρὰ κυρίῳ ὡς χίλια ἔτη καὶ χίλια ἔτη ὡς ἡμέρα μία
9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.El Señor no tarda su promesa, como algunos la tienen por tardanza; pero es paciente para con nosotros, no queriendo que ninguno se pierda, sino que todos procedan al arrepentimiento.οὐ βραδύνει ὁ κύριος τῆς ἐπαγγελίας ὥς τινες βραδύτητα ἡγοῦνται ἀλλὰ μακροθυμεῖ εἰς ἡμᾶς, μὴ βουλόμενός τινας ἀπολέσθαι ἀλλὰ πάντας εἰς μετάνοιαν χωρῆσαι
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.Pero el día del Señor vendrá como ladrón en la noche; en el cual los cielos pasarán con grande estruendo, y los elementos ardiendo, serán deshechos, y la tierra y las obras que en ella están, serán quemadas.Ἥξει δὲ ᾗ ἡμέρα κυρίου ὡς κλέπτης ἐν νυκτὶ ἐν ἡ οἱ οὐρανοὶ ῥοιζηδὸν παρελεύσονται στοιχεῖα δὲ καυσούμενα λυθήσονται, καὶ γῆ καὶ τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ ἔργα κατακαήσεται
11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, then all these things shall be dissolved, what manner ought ye to be in holy conversation and godliness,Pues como sea así que todas estas cosas han de ser deshechas, ¿no conviene que vosotros seáis en santas y pías conversacionesτούτων οὺν πάντων λυομένων ποταποὺς δεῖ ὑπάρχειν ὑμᾶς ἐν ἁγίαις ἀναστροφαῖς καὶ εὐσεβείαις
12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of Elohim, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?esperando y apresurándoos para la venida del día de Dios, en el cual los cielos siendo encendidos, serán deshechos, y los elementos siendo abrasados, se fundirán?προσδοκῶντας καὶ σπεύδοντας τὴν παρουσίαν τῆς τοῦ θεοῦ ἡμέρας δι' ἣν οὐρανοὶ πυρούμενοι λυθήσονται καὶ στοιχεῖα καυσούμενα τήκεται
13Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.Pero esperamos cielos nuevos y tierra nueva, según sus Promesas, en los cuales mora la justicia.καινοὺς δὲ οὐρανοὺς καὶ γῆν καινὴν κατὰ τὸ ἐπάγγελμα αὐτοῦ προσδοκῶμεν ἐν οἷς δικαιοσύνη κατοικεῖ
14Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.Por lo cual, oh amados, estando en esperanza de estas cosas, procurad con diligencia que seáis hallados de él sin mácula, y sin reprensión, en paz.Διό ἀγαπητοί ταῦτα προσδοκῶντες σπουδάσατε ἄσπιλοι καὶ ἀμώμητοι αὐτῷ εὑρεθῆναι ἐν εἰρήνῃ
15And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; And account the longsuffering of our Lord salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;Y tened por salud la paciencia de nuestro Señor; como también nuestro amado hermano Pablo, según la sabiduría que le ha sido dada, os ha escrito también;καὶ τὴν τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν μακροθυμίαν σωτηρίαν ἡγεῖσθε καθὼς καὶ ὁ ἀγαπητὸς ἡμῶν ἀδελφὸς Παῦλος κατὰ τὴν αὐτῷ δοθεῖσαν σοφίαν ἔγραψεν ὑμῖν
16As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. As also in all epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.casi en todas sus epístolas, hablando en ellas de estas cosas; entre las cuales hay algunas difíciles de entender, las cuales los indoctos e inconstantes tuercen, como también las otras Escrituras, para perdición de sí mismos.ὡς καὶ ἐν πάσαις ταῖς ἐπιστολαῖς λαλῶν ἐν αὐταῖς περὶ τούτων ἐν οἷς ἐστιν δυσνόητά τινα ἃ οἱ ἀμαθεῖς καὶ ἀστήρικτοι στρεβλοῦσιν ὡς καὶ τὰς λοιπὰς γραφὰς πρὸς τὴν ἰδίαν αὐτῶν ἀπώλειαν
17Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.Así que vosotros, oh amados, pues estáis amonestados, guardaos que por el error de los abominables no seáis juntamente con los otros engañados, y caigáis de vuestra firmeza.Ὑμεῖς οὖν ἀγαπητοί προγινώσκοντες φυλάσσεσθε ἵνα μὴ τῇ τῶν ἀθέσμων πλάνῃ συναπαχθέντες ἐκπέσητε τοῦ ἰδίου στηριγμοῦ
18But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. But grow in grace, and the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him glory both now and for ever. Amen.Mas creced en la gracia, y el conocimiento de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesús, el Cristo. A él sea gloria ahora y hasta el día de la eternidad. Amén.αὐξάνετε δὲ ἐν χάριτι καὶ γνώσει τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν καὶ σωτῆρος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ νῦν καὶ εἰς ἡμέραν αἰῶνος ἀμήν
<-- 2 Peter 22 Peter 31 John 1 -->